Security Amidst Insecurity
Monday, 24 January 2011 11:43:00I had the occasion to spend last week with my grandchildren, and during that time they made two things abundantly clear: I have neither their stamina nor their techie know-how. Regarding the latter, I was amazed as I watched my two treasures navigate the complex world of remote controls and computer games. I was further amazed at their ease in doing it. You’d have to be over fifty-five to be so impressed because many this age feel intimidated by our hi-tech society, myself included.
But as I observed my grandchildren, I realized they needed this ability to live in this new world, a world where almost any electronic gizmo can become obsolete as soon as it’s purchased. It pleased me that my grandchildren were so adept, but it was a source of sadness too, for a world in which change seems to occur at light-speed can also be a world full of insecurity. I mean, how do you maintain a sure footing in so fluid an environment? The answer is only by anchoring your life to a God who never changes. I am glad my grandchildren know this God who is “the same yesterday, today, and forever”. It gives me comfort that they will have a Rock to stand on in times of uncertainty. This is the gift their parents have given them and that I, as a grandparent can reinforce in a thousand different ways. It is the one thing that makes me feel secure about their future.
Until next week,