The Three Feasts

By Sylvia Bambola Tuesday, 31 March 2015 15:13:00

In ancient Israel, every male was required to go to Jerusalem and present himself before the Lord during three of the seven annual feasts: Passover, Pentecost and Feast of Tabernacles.  But why three feasts? And why these three?

We must remember that numbers have meaning and that the Bible is full of types and shadows. The number three represents completeness as indicated by the Trinity. Also, in the book of Revelation we see the number three repeated numerous times: three measures of barley, three angels, three unclean spirits, great city divided into three, three gates on each side of wall surrounding New Jerusalem, etc.. Therefore, it is no coincidence that these three mandatory feasts taken together as a unit also have meaning, including prophetic meaning.                       

We know that Passover represents the blood atonement of Jesus, the very payment necessary for us to be forgiven and saved. Pentecost depicts the infilling of the Holy Spirit as illustrated when the Holy Spirit was given to Jesus’ disciples after His resurrection. And Tabernacles speaks of Jesus’ return when He will rule and reign on earth and tabernacle with man. It’s all a roadmap and speaks of progression.

Putting it all together we see a beautiful picture. First, we must accept Jesus, our atonement, before being empowered by the Holy Spirit to live this new life as disciples of Christ. And those who have come through Passover and Pentecost, who have presented themselves to the Lord in fulfillment of their deeper meaning, will then be able to enjoy the Feast of Tabernacles, when our beautiful Savior tabernacles with us, not only in our lives right now, but in the era to come when Jesus literally returns to earth to live with His people.

Our modern Easter, commemorating Jesus’ death and resurrection, is really the Lord’s feast of Passover (and “First Fruits” too) when He became that sacrificial lamb whose blood we must apply to the doorpost of our hearts. And if we do, we shall pass from death into life. Note that the three mandatory feasts are listed in order of how they must be observed. Without Passover, we will never be able to participate in Pentecost and Tabernacles. As we are about to celebrate Easter with family and friends, let us not forget the wonder of what the day represents, as well as remember those, in prayer, who have not yet come into the amazing knowledge that they have a Savior who loves them and calls them by name.

Wishing everyone a very blessed and Happy Easter!

Until next time,


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