Redeeming the Time

By Sylvia Bambola Monday, 02 August 2010 16:30:00

Not too long ago I went to someone’s surprise 50th birthday party.  Trouble is, not too long ago this someone was in his twenties, or so it seems.  Where did the time go?  It feels like it’s just slipped away. And the older I get, the faster it seems to slip.


I’m at the point in my life where I can laugh at all those jokes regarding creaky joints and “early bird” specials. I can laugh because I can relate.  But it’s also sobering, too, because it makes me realize that my time is limited, and so is yours, and we need to be using it wisely.


How often have we promised ourselves that this is the year we are going to completely read through the Bible, or join a Bible study or maybe even start one, or volunteer for that new outreach at the church or . . . .


Though 2010 has already streaked by its midway point, there’s still time to make this the year when we actually accomplish the thing for God He has been gently nudging us to do, because before we know it we’ll be going to our friend’s 60th or 70th or 80th surprise birthday party, and we don’t want to look back and say, “oh, I wish I had done this or that.”


We need to be about the Father’s business; to use our time doing the job He has assigned us. Only God knows the number of our days, and that number will be different for each of us.  Let’s use them wisely. 


Until next week,
