Perfecting Your Image

By Sylvia Bambola Monday, 10 October 2011 11:56:00

Millions of people are turning to cosmetic surgery to perfect their image. Eager to change the shape of their nose, their eyes, their mouth; to be tucked here and snipped there, they are willing to undergo painful procedures. But here’s a news flash; in the end, gravity will have its way. If we live long enough, we’re going to age, and no matter what we do, our appearance will reflect it.


Don’t misunderstand, I’m not entirely against cosmetic surgery. It’s a true blessing for burn victims, for those with cleft palates, or hair lips, and other similar issues. These types of things should be corrected if possible.  But what I’m concerned about is this excessive attention to outward beauty while placing little value on, or even ignoring, the importance of inner beauty, the beauty that time cannot mar.


The Bible tells us that we are to be conformed to the image of Jesus Christ. And oh, how beautiful He is!  He is the fairest among ten thousand; the altogether lovely One. His character is without blemish. His integrity, goodness, kindness, generosity, unconditional love and faithfulness are matchless.  And this is the image we are told we should conform to. But how? It’s too daunting. Answer: the Holy Spirit. It is only His work, His power and our submission to Him that makes it possible. We are His workmanship, and if we let Him, God promises that “he which hath begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ.” (Philippians 1:6)  So take heart, God is not going to give up on us no matter how long this transformation takes!


Oh, how much we need this type of beauty in a world that admires outer beauty while at the same time has become crueler, ruder, and more self obsessed. We all want to look our best. There’s nothing wrong with that.  But more than that we should want to be our best. And what could be better than being conformed to the image of our beautiful Jesus?


Until next week,

