God's Health Care Plan

By Sylvia Bambola Monday, 26 October 2009 09:37:00

Health Care is a key issue these days. And no doubt there will be some kind of bill passed by our government in the months to come. But did you know that God has a Health Care Plan, too? And it’s all laid out in His word.


First, there’s His prevention program which involves eating the right things like vegetables and legumes, and avoiding the wrong, like pork and shellfish. Shellfish, especially, can be laden with toxins.


 His prevention program also includes such things as managing our emotions by not letting the sun go down on our anger (Eph 4:26); maintaining a clear conscience (Ps 32:1-3); filling our mind with those things that are true, honest, and pure (Phi 4:8); and having a merry heart for it is like medicine (Pr 17:22).


But what if you’re already sick?  God covers that too, and instructs those who are sick to be anointed and prayed over by the elders of their church and that “the prayer of faith shall save the sick” (James 5:14-15).  He tells us that by His stripes we are healed (Isaiah 53:5); that he forgives us our sins and heals our diseases.(Ps 103:3); that if we serve Him only He will take away our sickness (Exodus 23:25); that if we had the faith of a mustard seed we could move mountains (Matthew 17:20).


Right about now you’re probably rolling your eyes and saying, “oh no, she’s one of those who doesn’t believe in doctors!” But I do.  I believe God often uses them to heal us.  But what I’m saying is that too often doctors are the only solution we seek, to the exclusion of the other wonderful options in God’s plan. 


We’ve had a lot of sickness in our family these past three years and God has used all of the above to bring about a most wondrous healing: diet, faith in His Word, and doctors.   Now that’s what I call a comprehensive Health Care Program.


Until next week,


