God is . . . Faithful

By Sylvia Bambola Monday, 01 February 2010 11:00:00

What does it mean to be faithful? According to Webster the word “faithful” means reliable, steadfast, dependable. Applied to God, that means once you’ve entered into a covenant with Him, He’s there for you no matter what.  You can count on Him. It means that God’s own character, His own nature won’t allow Him to abandon you.  His own word says it all in 1 Corinthians 1:9 (amplified Bible) “He is faithful, reliable, trustworthy and therefore ever true to His promise and He can be depended on.”


Some people say when they read the Old Testament they see a God of wrath.  I see a God Who is faithful. A quick reading through Exodus alone shows this. The book details God’s mighty hand in delivering His people out of their bondage in Egypt. Time after time, He showed His power and faithfulness through the plagues He sent on Egypt in order to force Pharaoh’s hand; through the parting of the Red Sea; by making water gush from rocks when they were thirsty; by sending quail into their camps when they cried for meat; by having fresh manna literally delivered to their doorstep every morning.  Yet, in spite of all this, the Israelites constantly rebelled against God, constantly wanted to return to slavery rather than go on with Him to the promise land. Yes, there were times when His justice demanded satisfaction, and He acted accordingly.  But the overwhelming characteristic He displayed was His steadfastness; His desire to remain faithful even in the face of a faithless people.


This same theme is found in every other book of the Bible as well, especially in the books of the prophets.  Time after time, He sent his prophets to plead with His people to repent so He wouldn’t have to bring judgment upon them.  Oh how faithful God is! Once you make a covenant with Him, He’s with you all the way.  And if that covenant is broken, it’s we who break it. Not God.  


Reading through the Old Testament, I’ve often thought what would I do if I were God?  And the answer is always the same.   I’d never stay the course like He did and still does.  I’d never be faithful to such faithless people.  Oh how glad I am that God is not like me.  The Bible says that Jesus is the same yesterday, today and forever. And because He is, that tells me like in the days of old, He’ll be faithful to me, even during those times when I’m faithless; even during those time when I’m not doing the things I should. And in this day and age, when a person’s word, a business contract, a vow taken by a judge, a doctor, even between a husband and wife doesn’t always mean much, it’s good to know there’s One Who’ll always keeps His word; One Who is always faithful. 


Until next week,


