Fresh Paint

By Sylvia Bambola Tuesday, 10 August 2010 09:45:00

This weekend I helped someone paint a room.  It was gratifying to see the space take on a fresh new look.  As marks and scratches were covered over the room actually appeared friendlier, happier, and for some reason, it made me think of how the “rooms” of our minds and hearts get marred and scratched, too, and when they do, how we need to go to God for a fresh touchup. 


It’s then that He applies His brush dipped in love and grace to those dents and bruises, and we, like that room, become friendlier and more loving to others, and happier, too.  I can’t imagine living life without frequent touchups from God, but many people do. They live with cobwebbed and debris-filled rooms, with marred and damaged walls; places hostile to themselves and others, when all they have to do is allow the Carpenter’s hand to repair and refurbish.  And oh, how He delights in doing this! I only pray we allow Him access.


Until next week,
