The All Important Father
Monday, 21 June 2010 10:48:00Yesterday was Father’s Day. Those fortunate enough to still have their dads and are close enough geographically, probably celebrated the day with a visit and a meal. Other’s connected via a card, a phone call, or email. But I wonder if the fathers themselves, the ones being honored, really know how important they are?
Let me tell you.
You are a one-of-a kind Dad. Indispensible and irreplaceable to your children. No one in the world will impact or influence your children’s lives like you. Your daughters will learn about men and marriage and how women should be treated from you. And your example will define manhood for your sons. It is the most important job you will ever have, and trumps all others. Nothing you could do in the corporate world, sports world, or any other world could be more lasting or meaningful than the impact you will have on your children, children who are the future of our world. And your example will shape that future world.
That’s pretty heavy stuff. And if that weren’t enough, here’s one final point, and the most import. You’re example will color your children’s view of their heavenly Father. While your love will model the love of God, your cruelty, disinterest, or neglect can leave your children with a distorted picture of the One who promises to never leave them or forsake them, thus possibly impacting their eternal destiny as well.
Are fathers important? I don’t think their importance can be overstated. May God bless all the fathers and help them understand their true significance and worth.
Until next week,