More Communication, Less Relationship?

By Sylvia Bambola Monday, 28 June 2010 10:18:00

This week I met my hubby for lunch—a nice little Italian place where we each had a bowl of pasta.  While there, two thirty-something women at a nearby table caught my eye. Obviously on a “working lunch” one had her wireless computer open next to her water glass, the other clutched a cell that rarely left her hand even while eating. 


It was hard not noticing them since they constantly jumped up and down from their chairs to go outside and make phone calls.  When they did sit, one texted, the other flailed away at her computer. Interestingly, there was very little interaction between the two of them.


I marveled at this flurry of communication that seemed so void of relationship—this cadre of gadgets that enabled them, and enables us, to communicating more but connect, really connect, less, thus making our relationships anemic.  We have facebook, twitter, emails, and cell texting where we can say more than ever but end up by saying less—less meaningful, less real, less personal. I know.  I’m guilty of this myself.


I think my fear is this: with our culture already addicted to “instant gratification” will this “instant” connecting with others in little snippets, which is so appealing, cause us to find deep, time consuming and demanding efforts at a real relationship a thing of the past? And that includes a relationship with God. I hope not. But I think it’s already trending that way.


Until next week,
