Pruning the Pots

By Sylvia Bambola Monday, 07 June 2010 12:06:00

I used to be an avid gardener, but now that enthusiasm is confined to just keeping a handful of pots.  But even pots can be a lot of work and this weekend I spent considerable time and effort in pruning them, and in some cases, replanting them all together. Unpruned plants become spindly and unproductive, producing only a few flowers or fruit (as in my tomato plants), so branches need to be trimmed often or sometimes cut back to nubs.


This is what the Potter, the One who fashioned us, must do periodically in order to ensure that what grows in and out of us will make for a good harvest.   And He prunes us through challenges, hardships, and even by allowing difficult people into our lives. 


Everywhere I look these days, I see the Potter at work.  I hardly know one person who is not experiencing some difficulty or another.  Make no mistake, pruning is painful and often seems to diminish us.  But take heart, rewards will follow.  A pruned life is sure to yield increase and become stronger while an unpruned life is usually full of weak and immature fruit.


So embrace your pruning!


Until next week,




Monday, 14 June 2010 20:45:12
Hi Sylvia,
I always say, 'go with plastic!' Am always telling my Mom to give up and buy plastic plants. They never need care and they aren't messy....however, I am grateful God didn't make us plastic and we have free will to choose to serve Him or ourselves and that when we do make a mess of a situation He is always there for us. He does indeed bless us by pruning us-even though it does hurt sometimes-a lot!
Wednesday, 16 June 2010 07:18:40

Yes, prunning hurts, but the great thing is we have the body of Christ to gird us up during those times. Still praying for you regarding a job. Blessings!
Sylvia Bambola
Sunday, 20 June 2010 20:01:27
Sylvia, many super thanks for your prayers for a job!!I got one with the local newspaper. It's only a temp position, but I am hoping [PRAYING] it will last long-term or even go perm! But yikes, so, so, so much to learn! Trippin' me. But God is GREAT and I'm lovin' it! Super blessings! And again thanks!
PS Any word yet as to your latest books getting published?
Wednesday, 23 June 2010 07:10:36
Jewels, so happy to hear your good news. Isn't it wonderful that God has a plan for your life? For all our lives? Regarding my latest ms, publishers still looking/considering.

Sylvia Bambola
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