Flesh and Blood

By Sylvia Bambola Saturday, 22 June 2013 11:57:00

Soon after the miracle of the loaves and fishes Jesus, in John 6:25-65, when talking to the     multitudes, began making fantastic claims about Himself. It’s not the first time. He’s already said in John 5:19-30 that He was the Son of God, that He “gives life to whomever He wills” and that the judgment of sinners was in His hands. Now He claims He’s the Bread of Life, that He’s come from heaven and only He has seen the Father, that the Bread is His flesh which He will give for the life of the world and that no one could have any life without eating it or drinking His blood, and that whoever does and believes on Him will have eternal life and He will raise him from the dead at the last day.

Well, this was just too much. Even many of His own disciples found His words too offensive and stopped following Him that day. It was inevitable if one understands the Jewish mindset. Blood was sacred. Leviticus 17:11 says that the life of the flesh was in the blood. And it was the blood that made atonement for the soul. It was forbidden to drink blood. In fact, blood was reserved exclusively for God. Now Jesus was telling them they must drink His blood and eat His flesh. Did He really want them to violate the law? Not at all. What He was actually saying was so wonderful they just couldn’t grasp it right then. Jesus, as the Word made flesh (John 1:14), was telling the people that if they believed on Him and ingested His life-giving words and appropriated the saving merit of His blood they would have eternal life. And not only that, but that His life, the very life of God, would indwell them. It was simply too amazing to be believed!

But as amazing as it is, those claims are still valid today.  Think of it! Eternal life! Forever with our precious Lord in a world without sin, sickness, pain, sadness. A world filled with love and joy. And all we have to do is believe and receive. It’s so amazing and so easy. No wonder many still can’t believe it.

Until next time,



Saturday, 22 June 2013 08:18:32
Hi Sylvia. People are still confused by the word as the disciples were back then. It's sad that they don't seek help in understanding what Jesus was saying. So many believe that you get to heaven just by doing good works and this scripture tells you that you need more then just good works to get you a life of happiness with our heavenly father. Thanks for being a great teacher and an inspiration to me.
Michelle Crawford
Saturday, 29 June 2013 11:37:04
Michelle, sorry for the delay in posting and responding but I was away all week. Thank you for your kinds words. As always, so appreciate your feedback. Blessings!
Sylvia Bambola
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