
By Sylvia Bambola Monday, 02 January 2012 12:37:00

2012. Talk about your little black rain cloud! Other than the Y2K scare in 2000, I don’t remember any other year in my lifetime that has been so dreaded. Look at Hollywood and all the doomsday movies they have made alluding to this year. And don’t forget the Mayan calendar and the Sibyl prophecy that doomsayers say point to a 2012 end of the world.


While I don’t believe any of it, there are certainly many real, tangible things that can give us plenty to worry about; everything from the global debt crisis to the increase in violence and instability around the world, and a myriad of things in between.


So, because of that I don’t think 2012 is the year for making my usual New Year’s resolutions: lose weight, eat better, read the stack of books on my night table, etc.. Instead, this year I’m making only two: 1) love the Lord my God with all my heart, mind, soul, and strength and 2) love my neighbor as myself.


I know. I know. No two resolutions are more impossible than these two. But that’s only if I plan on trying to do it on my own. Which I don’t. Instead, I will rely on the power of the Holy Spirit who God has given to us for just this purpose. And He is more than able to bring these things about in my life if I allow Him. Oh, not like some jinni, who with one snap of the fingers, creates an instance fix. Instead, He’ll bring this about in me through patience and grace, with one situation at a time, with one person at a time.


I don’t know about you, but I look forward to this year. I look forward to the things God will do in my life and in the lives of those I love. And though it might be trying, I also believe it will be exciting and wondrous, and very memorable.


Until next time,


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