Valley of Gerar

By Sylvia Bambola Monday, 23 May 2011 10:22:00

Beware of this valley.  It’s dangerous.  The name itself, Gerar, means to drag off roughly.  What happened here?  In Genesis 26:12-22 Isaac, Abraham’s son, has been mightily blessed by God and has “became very great,” so great in fact that the Philistines who lived in the area were envious and their envy drove them to stop up all of Isaac’s wells. And everyone knows how vital water is, especially in the Middle East.  Eventually, the local king got into the act and, in the interest of peace, asked Isaac to leave, thus Isaac was symbolically “dragged off roughly”, to the valley of Gerar.  But even here his troubles didn’t end because the new wells his herdsmen dug were contested by the herdsmen of Gerar.  After a cycle of digging wells then giving them up to the protesters, Isaac finally dug a well that he was allowed to keep.


So why do I think this is a dangerous valley?  Because it’s a valley that can easily breed resentment.  Imagine you are happy, “on top of the world,” and living in peaceful union with God, blessed mightily by Him, when all of a sudden, because of the sins or selfishness or carelessness or malevolence of others you are forced to go to a place you don’t want to go; forced to endure hardship, suffering, heartache, humiliation, all because of something someone else did. It could be a spouse who did not handle the finances wisely and now you are facing bankruptcy, or a spouse who has violated the marriage with an adulterous affair, or a business that has been mismanage and now you are out of a job, or a rebellious child who has run away from home and turned your world upside down.  It could be any one of a dozen things but the result is the same.  You find yourself where you don’t want to be, “dragged” there by someone else. And because you believe it’s not your fault, bitterness can sprout like a weed. 


Verse 19 of Genesis 26 tells us that in the midst of this valley, Isaac’s servants found a “well of springing water (KJV).” The Amplified calls it a “well of living (spring) water.” Jesus tells us in John 4:10 that He will give “living water” to whoever asks, the only kind of water capable of quenching spiritual thirst.  Gerar is a tough valley to be sure, but oh, what a deep and marvelous well God has for us there if only we ask!  It doesn’t have to be a place of bitterness.  It can be a place where circumstances make us more open to the Lord, as well as a place of deep refreshing.  As usual, the choice is ours.


Until next week,


Wednesday, 01 February 2012 21:58:10
Saturday, 08 December 2012 06:34:30

Thank you, Sylvia, for sharing your spiritual insight. It came at the right time as I was dealing with "hidden resentment". It's time to let the Lord heal and cleanse me and my household as we repent and seek to clean out our "well".
Thursday, 18 July 2013 01:49:06
Thank You..The Lord led me to this site...He led me to Genesis 26:17 a week after I went to help at Jr.High camp speaking of wells and living water.I am also about to move to Bethel in Redding for similar reasons as you post on here.. The Lord is telling me that will be my Gerar, I must go to continue to dig wells and to find that one I will keep..Pray for my mom, she will be alone in this, but I must go for both our relationships with The Lord.Thank You again, may God bless you greatly in the Peace of Christ Jesus!
Lauren Whittle
Thursday, 18 July 2013 08:52:01
Lauren, thank you for your post, and may God bless you greatly as you walk through this next season of your life.
sylvia bambola
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