The Pleasure of Gifts

By Sylvia Bambola Monday, 06 December 2010 11:24:00

Right now, my bed is covered with bows and ribbons and bright colored Christmas paper and an assortment of gifts waiting to be wrapped.  I love giving presents.  Oh, the anticipation of seeing someone’s face light up when unwrapping that perfect gift, the one he or she has been hoping for; the one that really means something. The smile, the sparkling eyes, the obvious pleasure on the face makes my pleasure complete.


I imagine that’s how it is with our Heavenly Father.  He delights in giving us gifts, too.  We all know His greatest gift to us was Jesus, but I’m talking about something else here. I’m talking about those personal gifts to us, the ones He takes great pains to select, to wrap, and then to reveal at just the right time: that healing touch, that deposit of peace in the midst of a storm, that scripture that speaks to the heart, sending that needed person at just the right time, that unexpected baby after a couple has tried unsuccessfully for years, that job opportunity at the most unlikely place, that . . .


It’s hard for me to watch TV this time of year. Nearly every channel has a “Santa” story showing a big hearted, all-knowing personality that just delights in giving gifts.  I know many enjoy this type of entertainment, but I can’t help but feel sad that this fake figure is so revered, and that so much energy goes into perpetuating his myth, when all along we have Someone who truly delights in showering us, His children, with gifts; Someone whose heart swells with joy and delight at the prospect of blessing us, and not with gifts that eventually break or are forgotten in some dusty closet, either, but with gifts that help us live fuller lives, gifts that many times have eternal value.


Oh, what a wonderful, generous God we serve!  And what pleasure He takes in us.  It’s only fitting that we take the same pleasure in Him.


Until next week,


Monday, 06 December 2010 15:06:22
Sylvia, Thank you so much for the reminder to not get caught up in the pagan part of Christmas. It's so easy to remove ourselves from the real reason of Christmas. I'm guilty of all this. But my love for God is so deep. He has never failed me and I will always follow him.

Wishing you a wonderful Christmas! Enjoy each moment with family and friends.

Because of the Cross, Michelle
Michelle Crawford
Tuesday, 07 December 2010 06:43:36
Michelle, thanks for stopping by. I also struggle with balancing the glitz of Christmas with the real meaning. The decorations, the gifts, it's all fun and I think OK with God. But the thing that bothers me is lifting "Santa" up to an almost God-like positiong which so many of these TV movies do.

Wishing you and your family a most happy and blessed Christmas!
Sylvia Bambola
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