Listing Your Vitals
Monday, 16 August 2010 09:12:00This week an unexpected trip to the dentist to re-glue a temporary cap made me feel a bit like a vintage car in need of some new parts. I suppose that’s common when growing older. In restaurants, I’ve sat by enough seniors to learn that much of their conversation is filled with ailments and meds. Not a happy prospect, or is it?
Actually, I’m learning that getting older has many advantages. The foolishness and impetuous nature of youth is long behind you. The disappointments of middle age where one comes to grips with the fact that he or she will NOT change the world, is forgotten. What’s left? Contentment, and hopefully some wisdom: the contentment to enjoy life for what it is, and the wisdom to separate the extraneous from the vital.
Everyone who comes to this place must decide for themselves what fits under their “vital” column. For me, it’s God and family and friends. So simple, isn’t it? But then, when you strip everything away, life really is simple.
Here’s to getting older!
Until next week,