God is . . . Comforter

By Sylvia Bambola Monday, 08 February 2010 11:15:00

Who has not needed comforting sometime in his life?  Certainly everyone I know well. And though the comfort of family and friends is a true blessing, there’s no comfort like the comfort God gives.  Unlike the staying power of God’s comfort, the comforting power of the words of a brother or sister, a mother, father, friend often fades as soon as that person leaves and we are alone again. 


But if God’s comfort is so precious, where is it to be found? Well, for me it’s found in His Word, especially the Psalms.  They reach deep inside and can bring a peace that passes all understanding. Why is that?  Because God’s Word is alive and sharper than a two-edged sword.  It divides soul and spirit, and “is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart” leaving only truth.  It goes to the crux of a matter, soothing anxieties, fears, distresses; healing deep hurts; putting things in perspective.


There have been several times in my life when my heart has been sorely troubled: the death of a child, a reversal of finances, a serious family illness, professional disappointments, and others. And while friends and family were kind and provided what comfort they could, it was only when I sought God’s comfort that I was truly satisfied.  I would read the Word or spend countless hours listening to praise and worship CDs (which is often just God’s word set to music). And before I knew it, I’d be lifted above my discomfort, lifted to a place of peace and joy in spite of my circumstances.


Too often we wait for our circumstances to change.  If only this would happen or that would happen, we say, then we would be happy, then we would feel better. Really?  Don’t count on it.  Life is full of unexpected twists and turns capable of robbing us of our peace, our joy.  The Bible says the joy of the Lord is our strength and that Jesus will give us peace. And isn’t that what we all want?  To be strong?  To be at peace in a troubled world?  And there is only one Comforter I know Who’s capable of doing that for us.


Until next week,

