Games Children Play

By Sylvia Bambola Monday, 02 November 2009 10:30:00

Last week my grandchildren had their Fall Festival at school. The kids in the lower grades wore costumes and marched along the main thoroughfare. Then followed games, face painting, shows, multiple moon-walkers, and food.  My grandkids loved it. So did I.


But it was interesting on another level, especially if you’re a student of human nature—fallen human nature. Since this was not my first festival I knew what to expect. It happens every year.  First, dozens of kids wore masks with their costumes, which is a violation of the rules.  Secondly, big buckets filled with a gazillion little prizes were stationed by each game.  The games were easy.  The idea was for everyone to win something.  When the inevitable win occurred the student was instructed to take ONE prize out of the bucket: a spider ring or whistle or small bottle of bubbles or a pencil or . . . Well, you get the idea.  But what always happens is that most of the big kids, instead of just taking one, take a handful.  Needless to say, the buckets were empty within two hours. 


I won’t even get into the negative lessons parents are teaching their kids by allowing them to break the rules, I’ll just focus on why I think they or their kids break them. It’s because they believe they’re above the rules; that these rules don’t really apply to them.  Anyone with children or grandchildren knows that most kids love to push the envelope, to see how far they can go.  It’s a game they play and if left unchecked, can damage their character.


But it’s a game God’s kids play, too.  Don’t we break His “rules”?  The rules He’s laid down in His Word? Don’t we sometimes pick and choose what we like?  Oh, we love the part that tells us how much God cares for us; how much He wants to bless us.  But the other stuff? Does it really apply to us?


For instance, Jesus couldn’t have meant it when he said we commit adultery when we lust in our minds. Surely we don’t have to make a covenant with our eyes.  We can watch those “R” rated movies.  That rule doesn’t apply to us. And Jesus couldn’t have been serious about loving our enemies and doing good to those that hate us.  Clearly He’s never had to work with Nasty Nancy or spend a holiday with Uncle Bubo. If He had, He’d understand why we could never follow that rule. And as for turning the other cheek, He surely couldn’t have meant that. Our cheeks, and hearts, would look like raw chop meat if we had to forgive everybody. So forget that one.


And do we really have to pay attention to all those other things in God’s Word that make us uncomfortable? After all, shouldn’t the church just try to get along? Fit in? Not make waves? We don’t want to turn people off, do we?  This business about being salt and light, well . . . Jesus always could turn a colorful phrase. 


And so, we, the body of Christ, the Church, too often pick and choose the “rules” we want to follow. And this to the detriment of our character or rather Christ’s character which is supposed to be reflected in us.  And instead of reflecting Christ, we end up reflecting the world.  Jesus said, “If you love me, keep my commandments.”(John 14:15)  He also said his sheep know his voice and follow Him. (John 10:3-4) And we follow His voice by following His Word. Oh, how I want to follow Him. Don’t you?


Until next week,


