"Church Ladies are Boring"

By Sylvia Bambola Monday, 19 October 2009 10:31:00

“Church ladies are boring.” That’s what I heard someone say just a few years before she became one herself. It’s pretty common, this preconceived notion that anyone who believes in God and lives by faith isn’t quite as exciting as those who live in the real world. After all TV and movies and books often repeat or reinforce this error.

But let me tell you a little about some of the church ladies I know. Thursdays we meet for lunch, usually at a different restaurant.  Not all of us. And not all the time. So there’s always a different mix. And they’re all ages, too, and in various stages of life.  Married, single, widowed. Many have children, some have grandchildren.  But they are all incredible and diverse.

For example, one manages the hotel and cafeteria on our church premises.  Another makes jewelry, writes songs, has several children’s CDs in the marketplace, and makes videos for the church.  She’s without doubt one of the most talented people I’ve ever known. Another dear lady goes to Peru periodically where she and her husband have built dozens of homes (one at a time) and given them FREE to needy families.  Another lady used to be a trucker, and when her husband was alive they had a truck-stop ministry.  Another lady paints such marvelous pictures they actually look like photographs. Still another one speaks at conferences and travels back and forth to Israel where she and her husband have a small farm.  I could go on and on. 

God isn’t boring.  Because He is exciting and vibrant, He has made us, His creation, exciting and vibrant, too. And He has infused us with various talents and abilities by which we can uniquely glorify Him. And that means he can use anyone, from truckers to builders to song writers.  And because God isn’t boring and because His purposes for our lives are so much greater than anything we ourselves can conceive, I believe that those who have submitted their lives to Him and have allowed Him to direct their paths are some of the most exciting people in the world.


Until next week,


