Memorial Day

By Sylvia Bambola Monday, 26 May 2014 16:04:00

We all know that freedom isn’t free. Thinking of all the brave men and women who have given their lives so we might enjoy ours. We honor them by remembering the day.

And to the family and friends who survive them, thank you, also, for your sacrifice and courage.

Until next week,



Absence of Courage

By Sylvia Bambola Monday, 28 May 2012 13:02:00

Today, Americans celebrate Memorial Day, a time to remember all our fighting men and women killed in war. It’s a day that speaks of courage and sacrifice, a humbling reminder that so much of what we enjoy has been procured at great cost. It’s also a stark contrast to the lack of courage and sacrifice displayed by those who fill the halls of our government, as well as the many governments around the world.

It is this lack of courage that has pushed us to the brink of a financial cliff, has pushed countries like Greece and others to near insolvency. If our leaders and theirs had the courage to make the necessary unpopular decisions when it mattered, we would not be so close to the edge of disaster. And if our leaders and theirs had made the necessary sacrifices, even if it meant not being reelected, things would be different now. When leaders and those in authority continuously pander, do the easy, the expedient, and follow their own self-interests instead of what is right or best for their nations, then it’s only a matter of time before calamity strikes.

What a lesson our leaders can learn for our fallen heroes; those men and women who gave everything for the greater good; men and women who understood the meaning of courage and sacrifice!

Happy Memorial Day

Until next week,

