Seeing Through God's Eyes

By Sylvia Bambola Sunday, 02 May 2010 19:14:00

After forty-three years my husband and I are still married.  Oh, not because we’re more in love than anyone else, or that we have less faults, or that our lives have been free of the common bumps that foul everyone’s road. No, we’re still married because we’re tied as a three stand cord with Jesus—a cord not easily broken, and that means He’s not about to let us off the hook that easily. 


Let’s face it, if the right buttons are pressed, we can all be selfish, mean spirited, petty.  Being a believer doesn’t exempt anyone.  We are, after all, still flesh, and flesh dies hard. But there’s noting like marriage to help the process.  And after so many years, my husband and I are at a point where most of the time we calmly settle our differences by talking them through.


But there are still times when my dander gets up, and emotions get the best of me. I’m right.  He’s wrong.  It’s obvious.  Only, why can’t he see it?  When I get that way, I know it’s time to talk to the Lord. It’s something I’ve learned over the years, and something that works every time.  I ask the Lord two things: to let me see the situation through His eyes. To let me see my husband through His eyes. What an argument killer that is!  Inevitably, I begin to see another side of the issue. And I begin to see the stress or frustration that made my husband react in a certain way, or begin to understand the underlying reasons for his point of view. 


I tell you, it’s turned my head around more than once, and taken the sting out of an argument, enabling me to humble myself and apologize.  Nothing else floods my heart with love faster than this, or washes away the anger. I think it’s one of my most valuable tools in my “marriage wellness” arsenal. But notice, this is one sided.  It doesn’t hinge on my husband seeing the “error of his ways.” No. No correction on his part is necessary.  And that might rub some people the wrong way.  It may not seem fair.  But consider this.  As soon as I show my husband that I understand his position, then he suddenly begins to understand mine. And suddenly there’s a meeting of the minds. I love how God works. His ways are so much higher than ours. 


I don’t know why it took me so long to apply this to other areas, but lately I’ve begun asking Him to show me other things through His eyes too.  Things like the hardships that come along in my life, the disappointments, the suffering. And it’s amazing how I suddenly see things in a different light. It often brings the “eternal” more in focus rather than the “now”.  I still have a long way to go in this area, but I’m learning that here too, His eyesight is so much better than mine. 


Until next week,


Tuesday, 04 May 2010 17:26:40
Hi Sylvia,

I'm not writing to talk about marriage, but to say I just finished 'Tears' - what a story! ...I truly wish it was only a story, but I know that the facts presented are real! In fact the message is so important that it should be required reading for all high school and college students!
Thank you for exposing the abortion mill. I had no idea, and was frankly sickened, especially when a towel was draped over a still alive baby-I am sure
that happens more-well, if it has happened just once it has happened too many
times! Where/how did you get your facts? Jay Sekulow at ACLJ would probably be
very interested in this book. One thing that occurred to me as I finished reading it is why are my taxes going to Planned Parenthood and yet are any
dollars going to Crisis Pregnancy Centers or other such organizations? Appalled and outraged doesn't even begin to state how I feel about that!
Anyway, I am about to start reading Refiner's Fire and look forward to reading the rest of your books! If they are anything like 'Tears' I know they will be
real page-turners!
Many blessings!
Whatever God has made prominent in His Word He intended to be conspicuous in our
lives. Charles Spurgeon

Wednesday, 05 May 2010 17:42:42
Jewels, thanks for your comments. Soooo appreciated. For TEARS, I did considerable research and had many fine sources, two of which were Lime 5 by Mark Crutcher, and detailed actual cases of botched abortions, sexual assault in abortions mills, the lies, etc. Mark Crutcher is the one who actually exposed the selling of the baby-parts business as well as the "dreaded complication". Another great book was The Scarlet Lady by Carol Everett. Carol Everett is an ex-abortionist who tells her story as well as detailing the workings of an abortion clinic. But there are so many other great books, books that detail the long lasting suffering of those who have had abortions, information about the post abortion syndrome, and still others detailing how abortion even shatters the lives of those who provide them. None of it light reading!!!!

Anyway, glad you stopped by.

Sylvia Bambola
Sylvia Bambola
Wednesday, 05 May 2010 18:21:54
Well thank you for having the courage to do such research. I would like to have the courage to read further-The books by both Carol Everett and Mark Crutcher sound like good resources. As I said, I just had no idea. I thought the women were given a general and that was pretty much it, except I knew the babies suffered horribly!!!
In any event, I enjoy your writing style! You have a way of gripping my attention! Your plots and sub-plots are pulled together nicely without being disjointed or too complex! Keep up the good work... or writing! :o)
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