
By Sylvia Bambola Monday, 28 April 2014 18:27:00

The subject of heaven has aroused a lot of interest lately as evidenced by the many new books and movie. I guess that’s only natural, for as the world worsens so does the longing in people’s hearts for a place of peace, safety and love—all traditionally associated with heaven.

While some of these resources are better than others, we really don’t need to look to them for confirmation of heaven’s reality for Jesus Himself spoke of it. Take, for instance, the Last Supper when He said in John 14:2-3, “In My Father’s house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye many be also. And whither I go ye know, and the way ye know.”

In this one paragraph, Jesus tells us several things. First, that in heaven (His Father’s house) there is room for many. That word “house” in the Greek is oikia and means a specific place, and implies an extensive family dwelling. By this we know heaven is an actual place, not some nebulous cloud-like spot without definition. It’s a real place with real boarders and with a real purpose—that of housing the family of God. Next, the King James calls these places in God’s house “mansions.” It’s molis in the Greek and this is the only time in the New Testament when this word is used. Its meaning is interesting and hardly what I expected for it means “with difficulty, scarce, and with much work.” It’s clear that these “mansions” have been prepared with difficulty and they are not common but are of great value and points to the fact that these mansions were built upon the difficult work of Jesus’ death on the cross and His scarce and valuable blood that was shed.

Jesus goes on to say if this wasn’t true about His family estate, He would have told us. Meaning, it is true! If it’s not then that would make Him a liar and not God at all, wouldn’t it? Then Jesus says He’s going to prepare a place for “you,” meaning the disciples and by extension all His disciples, all those who follow Him. And what exactly is this place in this house with many mansions? That Greek word for place, is topos and means a specific spot, but not only that but also it means a scabbard, a sheathe which hides and protects a sword. More on that later. And Jesus Himself is going to prepare this place, and that word “prepare” means to adjust, fit, make ready—adjust, fit, and make ready a place specifically for each one of us. There will be no cookie-cutter mansions in heaven. But rather each place will be prepared by Jesus Himself, specifically for you and specifically for me. It will be a unique place, tailor-made for each of us. And since He knows us better than we know ourselves, He’ll know exactly what we would love to have in our new abode.

The next thing Jesus promises is that He is going to come again and “receive us” unto Himself that where He is we may be also. Since Jesus is currently in heaven, sitting at the right hand of the Father, this is where He will bring us after “receiving us.” This speaks of the rapture and the time when Jesus will take us up to heaven during the seven years of tribulation, placing us in His “scabbard” His sheathe of protection to hide us during the worse events the world will ever see where His sword of judgment will be unleashed upon the earth but not upon us.

Jesus then tells His disciples that they (and we) know the place and that we know the way. In verse six He makes it even plainer by saying that He “is the Way, and the Truth and the Life and no one comes to the Father except by (through) Me.” So in order to get to this wonderful place called heaven and escape the wrath that is to come during the tribulation period, and stay sheltered and protected in our own individual dwelling Jesus has prepared for us, it can only be through Him. There is no other way. Jesus is it. There is only one road to heaven. And yes, it’s for real!

Until next time,




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