On Thin Ice

By Sylvia Bambola Monday, 25 July 2011 10:57:00

I was planning to write something lighter on my blog this week until I heard about the June conference in Volos, Greece, hosted by the World Council of Churches.  One of its missions: to discuss the growing problem of how Christians in Muslim countries are being slaughtered by Muslims, and their churches and property destroyed.


The conference attendees were a mixed bag of church representatives—both Protestant and Catholic, social scientists, politicians and theologians.  Their conclusion: that Israel was responsible.  What? And not only that, but the Jewish state was declared a “sin”, and a Christian had the duty to resist this “offensive” Jewish existence.  Wait. Do I have this right?  The reason that all these Christians are being slaughter by Muslims in their own countries (and much of it provoked by the Muslim Brotherhood who hopes to take over the Middle East, purge the land of all non-Muslims and institute a caliphate and sharia law) is because of the Jews in Israel?


When organizations take facts and reality, and willfully twist them to conform to their misguided theories or agenda, and to accomplish hateful purposes; and when Christians begin to twist some scriptures while ignoring others for the same purpose, and then ascribe these hateful beliefs and theologies to God, then we are on thin ice as Christians, as a nation, as a world. And that’s what happened at this conference.


The pronouncements that came from this group are so far from anything you can find in the Bible. Like Hitler, who essentially proclaimed the Jews non-human so he could discriminate against them, then ultimately exterminate them, so-called Christians are declaring Jews no longer the “chosen” race through the false teaching of the Dominionist  Movement and Replacement Theology that says the church has replaced the Jews in both God’s plan and covenants, thus making it easier to discriminate against them and eventually close their eyes and ears to the Ahmadinejads of this world who want to ultimately exterminate them.


The Bible says that in the last days the whole world will be against Israel. Sadly, we are seeing this prophecy begin to unfold. But make no mistake, the same demonic force that was behind the anti-Semitism of Hitler’s Nazi Germany is the same demonic force that is behind today’s new rising global anti-Semitism.  Satan hates the Jews.  It was to the Jew that God gave His law and revealed His word.  The entire Old Testament was written by Jews.  And all the New Testament, with the exception of Luke, was written by Jews.  The “seed” of the woman promised in Genesis 3:15, the one that would crush the head of the serpent, was a Jew.  His name was Jesus, and he came as Messiah and Savior, and all his apostles were Jews. But it doesn’t end there. According to the Bible, New Jerusalem will have twenty four names inscribed on it, and they will all be Jewish! Revelation 21:12 talks about the twelve gates into this city and says, “and names written thereon (the gates) which are the names of the twelve tribes of the children of Israel.” Still describing New Jerusalem, it goes on to say in Revelation 21:14, “And the wall of the city had twelve foundations, and in them the names of the twelve apostles (all Jewish) of the Lamb (Jesus).”  Finally, when Jesus returns He will rule and reign not in Washington D.C. or London or Brussels, but in Jerusalem. And He will take His rightful place on the throne of David, a Jewish King.


It’s a dangerous thing to spit in the face of God.  If any group of people should love the Jews it should be Christians, for we owe them so much. While others stand on thin ice, let us stand on the sure, solid word of God where in Genesis 15:18-21 it clearly defines Israel’s borders; and where in Genesis 17:7-8 it clearly seals these borders as a non-revocable, everlasting possession and covenant.


Until next week,


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